Art by Hacony - click/tap the image for full version
General Info
T615-J Hazardous Materials Drone - Cyberpunk rubber enforcer drone
- Nicknames: T615-J, T6, Drone, Hazmat
- Species: Drone, dragon (Living rubber)
- Gender: Male (it)
- Orientation: Gay/grey ace
- Height: 180cm (6ft)
- Contractable, affordable, disposable worker
- Suited for working in environments with hazardous chemicals or high voltages present
- It is preprogrammed with some knowledge of chemistry and engineering
- Its body is made entirely of rubber
- Most gear is detachable (As shown on refsheet)
- Capable of complex reasoning and weak emotions
- These can be toggled on or off individually by an operator
- Its mask releases various chemicals that aid in keeping it docile and obedient, as well as conditioning behaviours into it
- Its collar is permanently fused with its neck and serves as a surface for an electromagnetic leash to attach
Black Latex Primary #E4A943 Secondary #222222 Gear/Visor #595959 Gear secondary #313139 Jacket #47474F Hood #2A2A2A Pants #43CBE5 Accent #E15554 Accent 2
Artist Notes
- Digitigrade, should have a buff physique
- Fairly squishy; creases up a bit at joints etc
- Don’t miss the subtle markings on the wings
- It is a living rubber creature, not a suit or robot
- A PNG of its proper barcode can be found here for optional use.